Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Christmas

Is it me or did Christmas come and go before you could blink? We had an early Christmas in Seattle with both of our families. Pete gave me my Christmas gift early so I could document our trip...a maginificent Canon EOSi Rebel camera that I totally have no idea what to do with. I feel unworthy of all it's features, but I'm learning. Hopefully some photography classes will be in my near future:) Here's some pics of the family at the Bradbury home (Pete's oldest sister Leigha and her family).
Lana and Mama Rigelman looking fabulous

Pete, Grandma McKamy, and Marcus (Leigha's husband). She's such a trooper!

Leigha and daughter Elena

Isabelle, Linnea and her boyfriend Scott

Liam and his sisters exploring the new battery powered Minnie Cooper

It took 3 grown men to get this thing figured out...nice work boys:) The wheels turned out to be much trickier than they appeared.

Look it's Shane (Lana's husband) and his sports bra...that's what you get for being a husky fan! Of course that wasn't his real gift from us. Still waiting for a picture of him in it:)

Uncle Pete and Timmy (Lana & Shane's baby boy) playing some wall ball.

After a full fledged Rigelman Christmas, we had many other things to do on our visit in Seattle. One of those things was seeing friends! We met up down at Toulouse for a delicious dinner.

Beauties Rose and Ellen (who just got engaged to Scott on Christmas)!

The cool kids with glasses (Scott, Mary and hubby Trevor)

My girls (Ellen, Nikki, Mary, & Anna). Who ate too much for dinner on the right?:)

At the time, Ellen wasn't engaged yet but had been suspecting that it would happen soon. I can't wait to see them around New Years so I can get a close up of her beautiful rock! weddings!!!

Another highlight of our trip was meeting baby Oscar earlier that day. Yes, Gretchen and Jordan are now parents:) Gretchen was really put through a tough labor situation and recovery. There was quite a scare with baby AND Gretch, but I thank God with all that I am that everything turned out okay in the end.  

Meet the much awaited Oscar

Proud mama Gretch admirining her prize

Ozzie...happy as a clam with Pete

And baby makes 3...the Lindstroms are complete (for now)

I guess Pete couldn't find the flash:) Thanks for letting us visit so soon after coming home from the hospital.

Needless to say, we were back home in Wenatchee for Christmas Eve and Pete's parents and sister were kind enough to travel over the pass to see us. We kept busy both days snow shoeing in Blewitt Pass and Mission Ridge. I got to play with my camera a bit and tried to take some good shots.

Beautiful Day

The Rigelman the hat Papa Greg (he's having a National Lampoon's moment).

Very little snow, but we made our own path

My hottie husband and soon to be father himself:) He lights up my world

Snow Shoeing with my baby...7months preggo and still trying to go hang with the best of em!

Of course, what's Christmas without opening the dogs' stockings! Since we had our Christmas early, we got to watch the dogs dig in. Hopefully with a new baby, the dogs will still get this much attention now and then.
How suitable... a lump of coal for Atlas:)

What's really going on here? The dogs are watching me trying to figure out the camera. Love those mugs.

Busy break, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Glad we got to see so many loved ones to wrap up 2011!


  1. Best blogging yet :) Heart warming pics. You're one heck of a photojournalist Michaela. Well Done! Don't know if my favorite pic is of Shane with Christmas gift or that great shot of Atlas ( I can never get him to pose!) Family on the mountain is darn precious to me too. Thanks for my first snow shoe adventure. Love You All, Mom

  2. stop it....great pics friend and you look fan-freaking-tabulous!! CANNOT wait to see you!
