Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Farewell Ruby

As we have welcomed a New Year, we are also saying goodbye to our dear Ruby. We have been aware of her having DCM (Dilated Cardio Myopathy) and were treating her with medication. It was already known that our time with her would be limited, but somewhere inside I hoped she would beat the odds and live until she's old and gray. Unfortunately, today was the day that God decided her heart had enough. She leaves us heartbroken and missing her and all her quirky characteristics. In a mental snapshot I see all these things when I think of Ruby:
rolling around in snow, jumping off the dock on a hot summer day, snuggling up in a blanket with Atlas, nose at the door when she heard "walk," sulking when she was reprimanded, chasing tennis balls non-stop and most of all... her need to be close to us wherever we are in the house.

This sensitive, gentle, funny, stubborn, and slightly mischevious dog was one of a kind. We bought her at a pivotal time in our lives when we got married and bought our first house. Some may say she's only a dog, but to that I say she's a part of our family. Our Ruby...we love you.

Watching Peter
Wooohoooo! The lake:) One of her favorite places to run free...Thanks Grandma D and GG!
Stunning boxer

Glad E could meet her. She was very gracious with letting him poke and pull on her.
The dynamic duo
I miss you already, friend.